Church Decorating and Flower Care
(Easter and Christmas Seasons)
Saint Patrick parish has a long tradition of glorifing God during the holy seasons of Easter and Christmas by maintaining displays of potted plants in the sanctuary.
Helpers in this ministry will set up plants prior to the holiday and care for them throughout the holiday season.
Helpers will set up displays on the flower delivery date
(typically Holy Saturday and December 23).
Activities: Helpers will be notified when a delivery date is set (typically Dec 23 and Holy Saturday) to determine each helper's availability to assist with flower setup and/or maintenance throughout the subsequent weeks.
Helpers are needed on both weekends and weekdays and, when possible, the coordinator will schedule two to work together during daytime hours when the church is open.
Assistance is needed the subsequent weekends and weekdays to:
If you can help, please contact
Amy Graf (cell) 717-850-6551 or
[email protected]