Procession begins when the cantor starts singing (Note: Sunday Evening there is normally no music so the procession begins when Father rings the bell)
Server 1 leads the procession (if server 1 is carrying the incense then server 2 walks five or six pews behind)
All servers will make a bow of the head together at the entrance of the sanctuary then return the processional crucifix and candles to the server sacristy, then take their place in the sanctuary
The server holding the Roman Missal must watch Father for when he wants the book. (See Father Carroll’s video series for holding the book)For Sunday Night Mass he needs the book right away for the Entrance Antiphon. If Father doesn’t signal…please come over after the Gloria or during Advent and Lent after the Penitential Rite when he says “let us pray”
Please sit attentively as the word of God is being proclaimed.
Special Note when incense is used…server 1 will go get the incense at the conclusion of the Responsorial Psalm.
At the end of the responsorial psalm servers two and three go to the server sacristy to retrieve the processional candles and walk behind the altar to the priest sacristy. Soon as the alleluia begins servers 2 and 3 go to either side of the ambo. After the Gospel servers take their candles back to the sacristy by way of the priest sacristy.
When the lector says “The word of the Lord” and the people respond “thanks be to God,” the server leaves the sacristy and stands in front of the priest celebrant.
You are to open the lid, Father will impose incense, you are to close the lid, and stand by the altar.
For special Masses when incense is used Father may decide to do a Gospel procession. On these days servers 3 and 4 will go to the sacristy, and get the two processional candles. They will go to the sacristy when server 1 gets the incense. When server 1 goes out they will go out and stand at the corner of the altars. Server 1 will go to the other side of the altar, then when the priest or deacon picks up the Book of the Gospel server 1 leads and the candles follow with the priest or deacon in the middle. The servers with the candles will stand on either side of the ambo and will remain there until the conclusion of the Gospel. Server 1 will lead the servers back into the sacristy and once everything is returned all servers are to take their place in the sanctuary.
Preparation of the Gifts
At the conclusion of the prayer of the faithful all servers spring into action
The cross bearer goes to the sacristy, picks up the processional crucifix and goes to the back of Church to lead up the gifts via the side isle (Note: Sometimes the gifts are not brought forward so the cross will not always have to go to the back.
The other two servers bring the Roman Missal with the stand, the priest’s chalice, any additional ciborium’s or chalice(s) The only two things the servers place on the altar are the Roman Missal with stand and the priests chalice. Once they are on the altar and if there are additional items to be brought over please stand holding them on the side for Father or the deacon to take them from you.
When the priest goes to the center and once the cross bearer has been told that the gifts are ready, he leads the gifts to the altar. In front of the priest he bows and returns the processional crucifix to the server sacristy then returns to their seat.
The other servers assist Father in receiving the gifts. Server who receives the ciborium takes the ciborium and stands by the altar and waits for Father or the deacon to receive it.
Both servers go the credence table to pick up the water and wine. (Please remember to remove the lid)
Once Father places the paten on the altar both servers walk over standing next to the altar holding the cruets with handles facing Father. (See Video Series)
Soon as Father returns the water cruet both servers return together to the credence table. Server with the water simply picks up the bowl, and the server with the wine, returns it placing the lid back on and picks up the towel opening it up for Father to easily grab.
When Father places the chalice and bows in prayer both servers walk over so that when Father turns they are there to immediately wash his hands. Father will take the towel and dry his hands. Soon as he hands the towel back to the servers both servers return together to the credence table. The towel gets placed down first, then the bowl or lavabo dish. Server with the cruet of water replaces the lid and both servers stand there for a moment.
At this point Father will say “Pray my brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God the almighty Father.” At this point both servers walk in front of the altar, bow, and walk back to their seat.
Liturgy of the Eucharist
(See Father Carroll’s video series)
The servers posture at this time is kneeling following a long attentively to what is going on at the altar.
Server 1 rings the bell during the consecration three times
Epiclesis when the priest extends both hands over the gifts (short ring)
raising of the host (three rings)
raising of the chalice (three rings)
Sign of Peace
After the “Great Amen” the servers walk over to the side of the altar (the same side they are seated). Father will exchange the sign of peace. This is where they will be standing to receive communion. Soon as they receive communion they may return to their seats to kneel for some time in prayer.
After Distribution of Communion
Server 1 removes the Roman Missal and stand from the altar. Goes to the server Sacristy and lights the two processional candles.
Servers 2 and 3 assist Father. One gets the cruet of water for purification of vessels. They either pour the water or hand the water to the priest and deacon. Once they are finished pouring return the cruet of water to the credence table.
Servers 2 and 3 assist by removing the vessels from the altar and return them to the priest sacristy. Once the altar is cleared please return to your seats.
When Father says “let us pray” server 2 takes the Missal stands in front of Father. NOTE: Father may want the missal for the solemn blessing. Please make note of his hand gestures.
Concluding Rite
When the priest or deacon say go in peace all servers go to the server sacristy taking the processional crucifix, and processional candles and go stand in the center isle way facing the altar.
Father will then genuflect (servers make a bow of the head) at that point everyone turns around and processes out in a dignified manner.