Saint Patrick Catholic Church
219 South Beaver Street
York, Pennslyvania 17401
If you or a member of your family is ill and is unable to make it to Church or would like your house blessed please let us know by either calling the parish office (717) 848-2007 or by filling out the form below.
In cases of a family member requesting a pastoral visit for a loved one we kindly ask that you provide your name and relationship to the individual for whom you are requested to be visited.
1. If using this form for a pastoral visit for someone else, please write that individual's name in the first line and place your name and relationship in the second.
2. If using this form to request a pastoral visit for yourself please write your name in the first line and in the requestor's name block simply write "self."
Emergency Line
Saint Patrick Church does have an emergency line. When calling the parish office please listen for that number. Father does monitor this line reguraly but because of his schedule may not answer that moment.
PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE and Father will get back to you.
This line is for Sacramental Emergencies ONLY (Anointing of the Sick, Scheduling of a Funeral, etc.)
In addition families can also use the below form which will submit a request to Father's email which goes directly to his private cell phone.