In 2009, as the nation marked the 36th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion on demand the Knights of Columbus launched a new initiative aimed at providing women considering abortion a new way of viewing the life within them. The Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus would match funds raised by local councils for the purpose of purchasing an ultrasound machine by a qualified pro-life pregnancy care center. In 2012, Fr. Samuel Houser (then Pastor of St. Patrick Parish) urged our council to undertake the fundraising efforts and coordination to meet the requirements for York's Pregnancy & Family Resource Center to obtain an ultrasound machine.
By 2014 the necessary funds were raised through the generous support of St. Patrick Parish parishioners and parishioners of other York County parishes to meet the requirement. This marks a milestone for our York community in our Catholic stand for the protection of life from the moment of conception to natural death. Everyone that participated whether with time, talent, treasure, or prayers can be joyous over the procurement of the ultrasound machine. As an order of Catholic gentlemen, the Knights of Columbus can be proud of the added protection this machine will provide to the unborn and we strongly encourage other councils to accept Supreme’s matching funds offer.
March 16, 2014: Appropriately on the Sunday before St Patrick’s Day, St Patrick Council 11872 of York, PA formally completed our successful ultrasound project. In front of the group is the ultrasound machine donated to the Pregnancy & Family Resource Center by the Knights of Columbus Council 11872 and Supreme Council. Co-chairmen Philip Kelley and Karl Zerbey, are presenting a check to Melinda Waterbury, Assistant Director, and Linda Skehan, B.S.N. Director. Looking on are Father Keith Carroll and Michael Burke.
August 6, 2014: Supreme Council's Culture of Life Award is presented to Council 11872. Pictured left to right, Chester Young (District Deputy), Mike Burke, Phil Kelley (ultrasound project chairman) and Robert Cosgrove.