“This is what is needed: a Church for young people, which will know how to speak to their heart, and enkindle, comfort, and inspire enthusiasm in it with the joy of the Gospel and the strength of the Eucharist…”
(St. Pope John Paul II, 1995)
Welcome to our Youth and Young Adult pages!
Through our youth programs and young adult ministry, our parish team and volunteers model and foster a ministry of accompaniment among young people of all cultures, socioeconomic and geographic realities, partner with parents, and help to equip families of young people as they grow in faith, and witness to Jesus Christ in their daily lives.
Middle School – High School Youth Ministries: St. Patrick’s Parish provides many opportunities to guide our young people in answering the call of personal discipleship, grow in faith, serve those in need, and find fellowship with one another, their families, and our parish community. Join us for good food, faith, fellowship and fun!
Young Adults: Through our young adult ministry events, in conjunction with the larger Catholic Young Adults of York regional ministry, young adults ages 18-39 seek to transform their communities through their identity in Christ. Our ministry provides opportunities for young adults to develop relationships with others sharing their stages of life, deepen their faith, and together find ways to bring the truth of God’s love to a hurting world.
Knights of the Holy Temple: The Knights of the Holy Temple assists particular young men of high school age to experience Godly masculine adventure, battle, and beauty, with a foundation firmly grounded on fraternity, formation, and parish service. This is one unique path among many possibilities for the evangelization, discipleship & formation of young men in the Church today.
Click the Side-Bar Menu links to learn
more about each specific area of ministry.
All are welcome!